4Life Australia



TRANSFER FACTOR TRI FACTOR FORMULA - Information on and background to how they work?


4Life Transfer factor tri factor Australia

Transfer factors are natural compounds that help our health. They support and educate your immune system in several ways that no other substance (either natural or drug) does. In an independent medical study that lasted over 6 years, no other product raise the immune function as much as Transfer factor did. Details here.

There is no other product or natural substance which will educate the immune system, like Transfer factor does- which is how its name came about - these natural substance transfers immune information to your immune system.

Hence your immune system is akin to having prior information about dangerous germs, bacteria, viruses and fungi before they come into your body. Your immune system will be fore-warned before actually encountering them.


The history of Transfer factor consists of more than 50 years of research and 3,500 clinical studies. More than US$40 million have been spent on research and development.

Scientists and medical professionals from 60 countries study it. See the research materials here. Transfer factor is NOT a vitamin, NOT a herb, NOT a fruit, NOT a drug, NOT a hormone.

Transfer factors can be considered like miracle molecules from Mother Nature. They are immune messenger molecules that transfer critical immune knowledge to the immune system. They are found in blood, colostrum and egg yolks.

These Transfer Factor (or "TF" for short) products include a new targeted Transfer Factor products (since 2002). Examples are Transfer Factor Cardio, Transfer Factor Glucoach, Transfer factor Belle vie, Male Pro, Recall etc, as well as broad range Transfer Factor Advanced For general broad range effect.

Transfer Factors have been reported to do three important functions 1) it gives the body unprecedented immune boosting to maintain good health, yet 2) it also modulates (or balances) the immune function so that an over-active system which may lead to auto-immune problems can be appropriately suppressed and brought back to balance, and 3) Transfer Factor transmits immune intelligence and educates our immune system.